Artificial Intelligence

Since a couple of years, everybody speaks about Artificial Intelligence (AI). The word is everywhere. Beyond the hype, can help in the development and adoption of sustainable finance?

AI may offer tools that enhance data analysis, transparency, and decision-making. By processing vast amounts of data, AI may identify ESG trends, help predict sustainability risks, and enable more informed investment decisions. AI may also automate sustainability reporting, monitor real-time regulatory compliance, and foster product innovation.

This new section of our website is dedicated to sharing knowledge on Artificial Intelligence applications and considerations in the world of sustainable finance.

Publicly available tools



An initiative of the International Finance Corporation, MALENA is an Artificial Intelligence analyst that extracts meaningful insights from unstructured environmental, social and governance (ESG) data at scale, enabling rapid analysis, increasing productivity, and enhancing investor confidence.​ MALENA is available as a free public good.



ChatReport analyzes CSRs along the TCFD guidelines



Ask from Corporates’ Nature-related Disclosures. Enhance efficiency in analyzing Corporate Sustainability reports by summarizing content, extracting key data, and synthesizing key findings.


Selected publications

respAIplaybookWEF practicalAIcases respAIframework
maturitymodelRespAI NiSTframework valueinAI MIT

Any question, comment or suggestion? Please reach out to Romain Leroy-Castillo 

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