assetimmo Immobilien-Anlagestiftung

assetimmo Immobilien-Anlagestiftung
Badenerstrasse 329
8003 Zürich



Member type

Asset owner / Investment foundation

Contact person

Christian Germann

Type of activity in sustainable finance

Sustainable asset management, ESG integration in asset management, Other services related to sustainable finance

General description of organisation

assetimmo Real Estate Investment Foundation is an independent foundation. The 2 investment groups for residential and commercial properties are open to all Swiss employee benefit institutions that are tax-exempt. Investors are given the opportunity to invest their funds jointly in real estate assets. They benefit from many years of experience, professional portfolio management and broad diversification and the possibility of co-determination. assetimmo focuses on long-term investor benefits, is self-supporting and can therefore provide its services at very reasonable conditions.

Reason for membership with SSF

The Board of Trustees of the assetimmo Real Estate Investment Foundation has adopted a sustainability strategy that includes, among other things, the goal of bringing the 180 properties of the two investment groups to a net zero CO2 emission by 2050. In order to express its efforts and awareness of a more sustainable approach to the environment, assetimmo sees membership of SSF as an ideal platform for exchange and mutual learning.


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