SSF Present at Other Events in 2024

COPTIS Webinar - Standard ESG-Questionnaire for Direct Real Estate Vehicles
Hendrik Kimmerle, Senior Project Manager, gave a presentation about the SSF standard ESG-questionnaire for direct real estate vehicles at this webinar organised by COPTIS (Swiss professional association for real estate securitisation). Hendrik discussed with participants the objectives and benefits for both direct and indirect investors of using the questionnaire to collectively improve sustainability transparency in the market. You can find the slides here and more information about the questionnaire on the SSF website.

Journée de la durabilité 2024
Daniela Lavrador, Director Romandie, gave a presentation about Swiss sustainable invstments at this afternoon event organised by the Fribourg Canton for the general public to learn about sustainability. The afternoon also featured a presentation from Jonathan Massonnett, HEG Geneva on the type of impact that sustainable finance can generate, an input from Sébasien Dubas, Ethos, about tools for sustainable investment and Nicole Bardet, from the Alternative Bank Switzerland explaining what sustainable banking is. See more information on their website.

Nachhhaltige Entwicklung: Recht im Praxistest
SSF Director Legal & Regulatory Katja Brunner was a speaker at the event "Sustainable Development: Law in Practice" organised by Zurich Law School and Kaleidos Law School. Experts from government, business and civil society discussed economic, environmental and social aspects of sustainable development.
The event concluded that although the political landscape is likely to reduce the promotion of sustainable development in the coming years, the problem remains urgent and the risks will materialise. Moreover, the social dimension of sustainable development has received little attention, even though sustainable development cannot succeed without equality, human dignity, education and security.
Navigating Nature-Related Financial Risks: Insights from FINMA's New Circular Consultation
At this event organised by S&P, Sabine Döbeli gave a keynote on the role of nature-related risks for financial service. A panel of experts then discussed different risk factors influencing different business segments of banks and financial service companies.

Fondsplatz Schweiz im neuen regulatorischen Umfeld
Katja Brunner, Director Legal & Regulatory attended the event "Swiss Fund Market in the New Regulatory Environment" on 4 July 2024, organised by Stämpli Verlag . The event marked the implementation of the latest revision of the Collective Investment Schemes Act on 1st March 2024, and the publication of the new “Stämpfli Handkommentar SHK zum Kollenktivanlagengesetz (KAG)”. She discussed with experts the intriguing question of whether regulation on sustainable funds is heading in the right direction.

VPS Webinar Series: Fokus Pensionskasse
The VPS webinar series "Fokus Pensionskasse" aims to inform decision-makers of pension funds on current market developments. SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli was part of the June edition and held a presentation on the relationship of sustainability and performance. She highlighted the different channels of a company that are affected positively by ESG practices, demonstrated examples of sustainable indices compared to a benchmark, presented important academic literature, and showcased the impressive sustainability strategy of NEST collective foundation.

ZHAW Finance Circle: Nachhaltige Anlagen und ihre Wirkung
SSF CEO Sabine Döbeli was a speaker at ZHAW's Finance Circle, discussing sustainable investments and their impact. The presentations showed that divestment has so far had little impact on the real world, while the exercise of voting rights can transform companies in the long term. However, the credible threat of divestment can lead to the transformation of companies.

SPHERE Sustainable Solutions Week
Sabine Döbeli, alongside Tina Minci, Lead Regulatory Affairs of Women In Sustainable Finance International and Adrian Schatzmann, CEO of AMAS, was part of a panel discussing what new regulations in sustainable finance mean for investors and clients. The discussion was confidently managed by Andreas Schaffner.

CFA ESG Conference Geneva
At the CFA Conference in Geneva on 24 April, Katja Brunner joined the panel "ESG Investing: Clash of Regulation and Self-regulation". She gave her expert input on why principle-based state regulation is important to create clarity and a level playing field in Switzerland, namely to ensure consumer protection and to enhance Switzerland's international competitiveness, and on the benefits of self-regulation as a complement to principle-based state regulation. To the homepage.

Launch of Initiative in Sustainable Finance at UZH
At this launch event for the Initiative in Sustainable Finance, Sabine Döbeli, CEO of SSF, gave the keynote to illustrate the importance of further research on sustainable finance. The project of the Department of Finance at Uni ZH spans multiple disciplines within the field of finance and tackles pressing issues ranging from climate change and biodiversity conservation to social and governance concerns. Read more here.

Sustainable Investor Summit
At the Sustainable Investor Summit, the 7th Conference on Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing of 29 February 2024 in Zurich Katja Brunner joined the panel discussion on the Swiss Stewardship Code to discuss first experience on implementing these recommendations.

2nd Insurtech Ecosystem Meet
At an event organised by the Swiss Insurtech Hub, Sabine Döbeli, SSF CEO, was featured on a panel alongside Antonios Koumbarakis (Partner PwC Switzerland), Penny Seach (CUO Zurich Insurance) and Luca Zerbini (Founding Partner and CEO UnaTerra VC Fund). Read an event summary here.

KPMG Webinar on Navigating the ESG Regulatory Landscape
On 29 January 2024, Katja Brunner joint as a panelist the KPMG Webinar “Navigating the ESG Regulatory Landscape - A look into 2024”. Together with KPMG Specialists Patrick Schmucki, Owen Matthias and Maja Kostina she discussed important regulatory developments in 2024. Watch the recording here.
Die drohende Nachhaltigkeitsregulierung auf dem Schweizer Finanzplatz
At this event organised by ZEB, Sabine Döbeli gave insights on the view of SSF around sustainable finance regulation in Switzerland in an interactive panel featuring the State Secretariat for International Finance SIF, AMAS, SBA and SSF.
PwC: ESG for Swiss Asset Managers Conference 2024
On 18 January 2024, Katja Brunner was part of the panel on “ESG Investing in Switzerland: regulatory trends, self-regulation and outlook” at the PwC’s ESG for Swiss Asset Managers Conference 2024. See more information here.
Patrick Odier at World Economic Forum (WEF)

Patrick Odier, the SSF President and Building Bridges Chair, was part of several events during the World Economic Forum in January 2024.
House of Switzerland: Unlocking the True Potential of Sustainable Financing in a Complex World (16 January)
Exploring the effectiveness of sustainable and impact financing in today's intricate world. The interactive discussions delved into diverse approaches for public-private-philanthropic collaboration, steering us towards the coveted outcomes of a sustainable future. Read more.
Strategic Boardroom Approaches in a Fragmented World (16 January)
Addressing critical questions for board decisions, including strategies to engage with activists, leveraging value chain strategies, adapting to a changing regulatory landscape, and navigating the complexities of science-driven economies. Read more.
Tackling Inequality through Private Sector Leadership (17 January)
Co-organized by Building Bridges, the WBCSD – World Business Council for Sustainable Development, and the The Business Commission to Tackle Inequality, this event looked at the private sector's role in addressing systemic social inequality within its strategic risk management. Read more.
Towards a More Sustainable Finance and International Trade System
Focusing on the restructuring needed in the finance world and the international trade system to provide sharper incentives for sustainability. Read more.
ESG: The Road toward a Sustainable Future
Highlighting expert opinions on what is needed to progress towards a sustainable future. Read more.