SSF present at other events 2014
SSF representatives are regularly taking part in events organised by third parties to present the objectives and activities of SSF and inform on sustainable finance.
Here’s a list of events in which SSF was involved in 2014.
Novethic Annual Event
Paris, 5 December 2014
On December 5 Novethic published the results of its 2014 survey of European asset owners on their integration of ESG criteria in asset management and presented their results at their annual event in Paris.
Jean Laville, Deputy CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance, took part in a panel discussion on Corporate Tax Avoidance
Other topics covered during the day were Investors Acting on Climate Change, Human Rights and Financing a Green Economy.
For more Information please visit the Novethic Website.
CleanTech Investing Seminar (CTI)
Lausanne, 3-4 December 2014
CTI welcomed Swiss, European and Global investors, ground-breaking technology companies looking for funding and industry specialists to the SwissTech Convention Centre on the EPFL campus.
Jean Laville, Deputy CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance, moderated a session entitled: Tomorrow’s World – The future of CleanTech investment and development.
Panellists included:
Christian Schattenmann, Head, Energy Fund, Bamboo Finance, Luxembourg
Dag Syrrist, Executive Director, Global BSN, USA
Ralph Baumann, Head of Origination & Environmental Markets, Alpiq AG, Switzerland
For more Information please visit the CTI Website.
DEZA Event: Auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft: Die Post-2015 Agenda und die Schweiz
Bern, 26 November 2014
Switzerland has an active role in shaping the UN Sustainable Development Goals past 2015. DEZA consulted the Swiss public several times on the main targets and measures in order to reach an encompassing and consistent set of goals. At this last conference, DEZA focussed on financing mechanisms for development. Ambassador Michael Gerber first presented the current set of goals that is still under negotiation and illustrated the Swiss influence on the targets. Mr. Peter Arbenz, President of the consulting commission on international development cooperation, commented on the goals and shed light on the main challenges in making them tangible.
Luca Etter, program responsible of DEZA, then discussed with a panel the main challenges regarding the financing of the sustainable development goals.
Panellists included:
Peter Baumgartner, Expert and Lecturer on taxes and development
Sabine Döbeli, CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance
Mark Herkenrath, Economist, Alliance Sud
The panel agreed that financing sustainable development will only be possible, if more private funding can be raised. Public private partnerships are an important instrument to foster private investments. Reducing illicit outflow of capital from developing countries was also seen as a crucial factor.
Download program of the event.
UNEP FI / VfU Roundtable 2014:
License to Operate: Sustainability in Finance - Between Opportunity and Responsibility
Frankfurt, 19-20 November 2014
Hosted by DZ Bank, the UNEP FI / VfU Roundtable 2014 brought together sustainability experts for 2 days of targeted discussions. Linked to the theme of "License to Operate", main topics included: key factors of success in the implementation of sustainability strategies and benefits for the Integration of environmental and social criteria when conducting business; the future of the sustainability function within financial institutions; policies and regulation for sustainable finance; and financial institutions' roles in decarbonizing the economy.
Sabine Döbeli was invited to present Swiss Sustainable Finance and explain what to expect from SSF in the coming months.
Find more information on the event on the VfU Website.
Inrate Sustainability Breakfast:
Europäischer SRI-Markt – Status und Ausblick im Schweizerischen Kontext
Zürich, 18 November 2014
François Passant, Executive Director of Eurosif, came to Zurich to present the European SRI market by reference to the Eurosif SRI Study 2014. Inrate is one of the sponsors of the study because it helps the SRI industry to get the necessary overview – where the SRI industry made progress and where there’s still room for improvements. One major finding was that the SRI market in Europe keeps increasing: Investments based on sustainable strategies in Europe grew stronger than the overall investment market. Over the last two years, all strategies showed double digit growth.
In a panel discussion the role of SRI investments in Switzerland was debated.
Panellists included:
François Passant, Executive Director, Eurosif
Isabelle Biemond-Strickler, Product Manager, Swisscanto
Sabine Döbeli, CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance
Stefano Gilardi, Head of Market Relations & Board of Management, Inrate
Gregor Greber, Executive Chairman, zRating
Download the presentation and watch the discussion on the Inrate website.
3rd Impact Forum Zürich
Zürich, 2 October 2014
Organised by the Microfinance Initiative Liechtenstein, the LIFE Klimastiftung Liechtenstein and the LGT Venture Philanthropy Foundation the third Impact Forum Zürich took place in the House of Philanthropy in Zurich. A panel of experts discussed the role of sustainability in the asset management of foundations and pension funds. Have a look at the video to learn more about the panel discussion featuring the following panellists:
Hendrik-Jan Boer, Senior Portfolio Manager Responsible Investments, ING Investment Management
Sabine Döbeli, CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance
Hanspeter Konrad, Director of the pension fund association, ASIP
Lukas von Orelli, Board member, SwissFoundations, CEO, Velux Foundation
Hanspeter Konrad pointed out the strong focus of pension funds on costs and their limited resources in asset management which makes it difficult for them to address sustainability topics. Lukas von Orelli stressed the importance of action before it will become mandatory to adopt sustainable investment principles. While Hendrik-Jan Boer explained the ING approach in integrating ESG aspects into asset management, Sabine Döbeli explained that on a global level an increasing amount of institutional investors ask their asset managers to integrate such factors.
Business-for-Society Forum hosted by Business School Lausanne
LausanNe, 21 September 2014
During the annual Business-for-Society Forum hosted by Business School Lausanne, representatives of a high-level thought leadership meeting discussed the outcome of their initiative to create a multi-stakeholder coalition for Switzerland’s future.
The Forum took place on Saturday, 20 September, at the Beau-Rivage Palace in Lausanne with more than 500 stakeholders from more than 40 countries. The Forum provided academia, business, NGO and government representatives an opportunity to voice their hopes and aspirations for the repositioning of Switzerland as a sustainability hotbed for the world. Moderated by Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever, panellists shared their vision for Switzerland as a “Global Sustainability Hub".
Panallists included:
Dr. Katrin Muff, Dean of Business School Lausanne
Nick Beglinger, President, swisscleantech
Jean Laville, Deputy CEO, Swiss Sustainable Finance
Bruno Oberle, Director of the Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN)
Find more information on the event on the BSL Website
Regional Ministerial Consultation UNECE
Monitoring and Accountability for the Post-2015-Development Agenda – The Regional Dimension
Geneva, 15 September 2014
The UNECE organised a conference with the aim of discussing accounting mechanisms to assess performance against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Sabine Döbeli gave an input on the role of sustainability indicators in the finance context and existing reporting and accounting mechanisms. The presentation can be found under on the UNECE Website in the sheet “Meeting Documents”. Read the summary on the conference to learn about the main recommendations concerning accounting mechanisms for sustainable development.
Conference on Ethics, University of Zurich
Zürich, 5 September 2014
The Centre for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the University of Zurich held a conference on ethics in business in cooperation with the German Business Ethics Association. Sabine Döbeli was a panelist in a discussion on the role of morals and markets in Society and Economy. A summary of the conference and a film of the discussion are available at the CCRS-website.