Digital library on sustainable finance
Die 7. Ausgabe der zRating Studie zu Corporate Governance in Schweizer Publikumsgesellschaften prüft die Corporate Governance von insgesammt 150 Gesellschaften des SMI und SPI Extra auf 59 Kriterien.
Agriculture as a focus of investment is viewed by some as a promising and long-awaited opportunity to promote the sector. For others, it raised the concerns about the potential negative environment, social and economic impacts. This report adds to the growing body of literature by examining 39 mature agribusiness investments in Africa and Southeast Asia, assessing to what extent their activities can be characterized as responsible. Providing information about best-practices and pitfalls to avoid.
According to the UNEP FI the absence of policy and regulatory measures related to internalizing externalities is a key barrier to private sector investments in sustainable assets. Hence, this report suggests that further finance sector regulation could incentivise financial institutions to supply capital for sustainable development. This paper therefore maps out the financial regulatory landscape, discussing how regulations can influence investment behaviour and highlights further research avenues.
Also known as the Minder-Initiative, grants more rights to shareholders for determining management remuneration for listed companies.
Verordnung gegen übermässige Vergütungen bei börsenkotierten Aktiengesellschaften - DE
Verordnung gegen übermässige Vergütungen bei börsenkotierten Aktiengesellschaften - FR
Verordnung gegen übermässige Vergütungen bei börsenkotierten Aktiengesellschaften - IT
Article 9. Investissement responsable et développement durable
1. Conformément à l’art. 4, al. 3 de la LCPEG, l’activité de la Caisse s’inscrit dans la perspective du développement durable et des investissements responsables.
2. La Caisse tient compte des critères de développement durable dans le choix de ses investissements, dans la mesure du possible.
3. Les modalités d’application de l’investissement responsable sont précisées dans une directive spécifique.
Règlement de placement Caisse de prévoyance de l'Etat de Genève - FR
This report reflects how insurance might be used to assist countries that are most vulnerable to loss and damage from climate change. The report concludes that climate change is perceived as a real challenge to insurance companies, and that they are already adapting their risk control measures to climate risks; including the identification, prevention and reduction of risks.
Die Autoren machen innovative Finanzierungsvorschläge, die sich in der Praxis bereits bewährt haben und die für institutionelle Anleger gleichmässige Erträge ermöglichen. Das Buch strukturiert sich in drei Teile. Im ersten Teil wird die Energiewende erklärt, im zweiten werden mögliche Massnahmen zur Umsetzung inkl. Investitionsbedarf und Herausforderungen dargestellt, der dritte Teil handelt von den Investitionsmöglichkeiten.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Verlag, 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03823-856-0
The Thun Group of Banks is an informal group of bank representatives that have been discussing the meaning of the UN’s “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework” and the Guiding Principles for the activities of banks. This paper outlines the interpretation of Principles 16-21 and identifies key steps that need to be taken as well as challenges for banks in implementing the principles.
This article reviews the actors in SRI, the motives for SRI, relevant theoretical frameworks and the effectiveness of SRI in changing environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) performance of public companies. Various actors with different motives engage in SRI through distinct strategies. Although the effects of SRI strategies are difficult to identify and quantify, overall, SRI does not yet play a major role in changing ESG performance. Several factors can be identified that impede SRI in improving ESG performance, together forming an action agenda for SRI researchers and practitioners.
The effectiveness of socially responsible investment: a review - EN
4. Il définit dans un document sa stratégie en matière de développement durable et d'investissements responsables.
This white paper formed the basis for the establishment of SSF. It outlines action points that can be taken to strengthen the sustainable finance industry in Switzerland.
Path to the Sustainable Financial Centre Switzerland – A call to action - EN
Report based on the work of seven regional sustainable investment forums to compare sustainable investment practices worldwide.
Study analysing the performance of traditional and sustainable investments, concluding that sustainability factors can be used by asset managers to add value within the context of an active investment strategy.
In February 2013, Switzerland amended its Federal Act on War Material to prohibit the direct and indirect (if it is to circumvent direct) financing of controversial weapons (Art. 7-8).
Federal Act on War Materials - DE
Federal Act on War Materials - FR
This guide provides a framework for Asset Owners who appoint and monitor external managers to assess whether their managers’ investment policies and processes are consistent with their ESG expectations. It aims to support them in their dialogues with managers so that they gain a clear understanding of the ESG risks and opportunities affecting their portfolios and how their managers are addressing them.
This study finds more than 200 organisations involved in Sustainable Finance in Switzerland in one way or another, and maps the different initiatives in an all-encompassing overview.
Comprehensive literature review of sustainable investment concluding that CSR and ESG factors are correlated with superior investment returns at a securities level, though exclusionary approaches to sustainable investment have a neutral impact on investment returns at a fund level.
Sustainable Investing – Establishing long-term value and performance - EN
The main objective of this guidance report is to support and enhance the investor-company dialogue on corporate practices which include Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors within executive management goals and incentive schemes. The set of recommendations and guidance points presented in the guidance paper aspire to reflect a common understanding of major opportunities and challenges, as well as practical examples. The document hence provides a tangible engagement tool to guide dialogue between shareholders and investee companies on this topic, and help improve corporate boards’ practices to the benefit of both companies and their investors.
The book is a comprehensive guide to socially responsible investing (SRI) and provides an in-depth view of SRI-relevant asset classes. To better contextualize SRI opportunities and challenges, the book presents 20 case studies involving institutional investors that are currently following a sustainable investment strategy and how they have approached SRI. For business leaders already familiar with or practicing corporate social responsibility and/or environmentally sustainable management, SRI is the next step to turning modern corporations into good citizens, and this book contains valuable information to get started.
Singapore John Wiley & Sons, [2012] Hoboken, NJ
ISBN: 978-1-118-20317-0
Sustainable Investing for Institutional Investors: Risks, Regulations and Strategies - EN
Die Verschwendung natürlicher Ressourcen, die Missachtung elementarer Rechte und schlechte Unternehmensführung - diesen Themen wollen sich verantwortungsbewusste Anleger nicht länger verschliessen. Die Kosten unethischen Verhaltens fallen auf uns zurück, denn die Welt ist verletzlich. Wer sich vor bösen Überraschungen schützen will, beachtet deshalb bei der Strukturierung seines Vermögens die Kriterien Ökologie, Soziales und Governance. Die nachhaltige Ausrichtung der Anlagestrategie ist die marktwirtschaftliche Antwort auf drängende Herausforderungen.
Richtig umgesetzt, optimiert Nachhaltigkeit das Risiko-Ertrags-Verhältnis eines Portfolios. Was das impliziert,zeigt die Autorin mit einer Einführung in die Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse, der Erläuterung von verschiedenen Anlagestrategien, zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Praxis sowie mit Beiträgen bekannter Experten.
Das Buch ist auf Deutsch beim NZZ Libro Verlag erhältlich.
Zürich Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2011
ISBN: 978-3-03823-710-5
Nachhaltige Anlage für Institutionelle Investoren_Inhaltsverzeichnis_DE (pdf 16.7 kB)Summary
Review of academic and commercial studies finding that, on average, the evidence is in favour of responsible investment adding value.
Shedding Light on Responsible Investment: Approaches, Returns and Impacts - EN
A review of academic and broker research on ESG factors
This 2021 Eurosif report seeks to shift the narrative and set a new course for sustainable finance by focusing on how financial can achieve positive outcomes in the real world.