Covalence SA

Covalence SA
1 avenue Industrielle
1227 Carouge Geneva



Member type

Service provider / Sustainability research provider

Contact person

Antoine Mach

Type of activity in sustainable finance

Sustainability research & ratings

General description of organisation

Founded in 2001, Covalence SA helps companies and investors integrate Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into strategy and decision making. Our services include: ESG ratings, thematic investment products, and monitoring of ESG news, both positive (impact stories) and negative (controversies). Covalence approach is based on multiple sources of information and relies on web monitoring, artificial intelligence together with human analysis. We oppose ESG data publicly reported by companies (disclosure) to online narrative content reflecting the views of stakeholders such as NGOs and the media (reputation). This approach allows users to track inconsistencies, monitor changes and benefit from timely alternative data.

Reason for membership with SSF

Covalence is a founding member of Swiss Sustainable Finance, as we believe in fostering the integration of sustainability principles into all financial services and strengthening Switzerland as the leading centre for sustainable finance. It is also in line with the humanitarian tradition of Switzerland.


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