Swiss Mobiliar Insurance Company Ltd.

Swiss Mobiliar Insurance Company Ltd.
Bundesgasse 35
3001 Bern



Member type

Insurance company / Direct insurance company (life, non-life)

Contact person

Beat Zaugg

Type of activity in sustainable finance

Sustainable funds, ESG integration in asset management

General description of organisation

La Mobilière is an insurance company that has been operating for almost 200 years. Founded in 1826 as a cooperative, it is Switzerland’s oldest private insurance company. Every third household and every third company in Switzerland is insured by la Mobilière. Together with our customers, employees and partners, we promote sustainability. In addition, la Mobilière’s asset management arm defines responsible investment as fulfilling its responsibility to both society and the environment while also creating added value for its customers.

Reason for membership with SSF

As a founding member of Swiss Sustainable Finance, la Mobilière is committed to promoting sustainable finance in Switzerland and contributing to the country's transition to a more sustainable economy. We participate in various initiatives and working groups to share our knowledge and expertise in sustainable finance. La Mobilière also supports the development of sustainable finance products and services and also signed the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in 2021.


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